College and University Pathway Programs
Heartland Mississauga Pathway Program

Heartland Mississauga Pathway Program

Heartland International English School is an ESL School in Canada and a member of Languages Canada. Heartland English is also a Designated Learning Institution by IRCC.

The Pathway program provides the opportunity to:

  • Improve your English skills and meet the language requirements* of our partner Post-Secondary Institutions
  • Skip a proficiency exam (IELTS, TOEIC etc.)
  • Use the Heartland Letter of Acceptance to apply to our partner post-secondary institution of your choice and obtain a conditional admission to save your seat
  • Learn the communication skills needed to succeed in a Canadian College or University
  • Get to know your Canada and  Canadian culture before your academic program begins


How to apply:

  1. Apply to Heartland online and click the Pathway box and select the Post-Secondary school you are planning to attend
  2. Pay fees
  3. Take an online placement test from Heartland to determine English Level
  4. Receive Pathway Acceptance Letter from Heartland
  5. Apply to the pathway partner college or university


If students test into a lower level than the one they require for the pathway, they must complete the lower level(s) before they reach the level required to complete the Pathway program. Please note that this means students could spend between 10 – 40 or more weeks depending on their English level when they begin.

*Students interested in pursuing a college or university program at one of our partner schools need to meet the academic admission requirements for their program choice.

If the pathway program is not what you are looking for, click on the following link to explore our other English programs


Click on the lists below to see our Partner Institutions details, program options and English level requirements: 


In Manitoba we partner with:

  Assiniboine Community College (ACC)

  ATC (Arts & Technology Centre with Louis Riel School Division)

  Booth University College

International College of Manitoba (ICM)

  Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology (MITT)

  PACE (Professional, Applied and Continuing Education at The University of Winnipeg)

  Providence University College

  Robertson College

  Steinbach Bible College

    Manitoba Pathway Partners Requirements
In Ontario we partner with:

  St. Lawrence College

  Sheridan College Institute of Technology & Advanced Learning

  Sault College

  Lambton College

  Lakehead University

Georgian College

  Ontario Pathway Partners Requirements

UPEI - University of Prince Edward Island

Other Provinces Pathway Partners Requirements

These scores are approximate equivalencies:

Heartland Approximate Equivalent
Entry Start Up 2 A1-A2 26-38 10-40 <4.0 <3 110-380
Intermediate 1 Start Up 3 A2-B1 38-52 40-50 4.0-4.5 4 380-520
Intermediate 2 Start Up 5 B1 52-70 50-60 4.5-5.5 5 520-700
Advanced 1 Start Up 6 B2 70-90 60-70 5.5-6.0 6-7 700-820
Advanced 2 Start Up 7 B2-C1 90-100 70-80 6.0-6.5 8-9 820-900

We also offer an online English Placement Assessment test.  Please find out more here